What is Gratitude?

My Grandpa Lew was the first great love of my life.  I was a colic ridden, fussy, un-soothable never sleeping baby.  Literally, I was stressed from the moment I came out of the womb.  The very first time I met my Grandpa, I cooed at him, and promptly fell asleep on his chest, leaving a huge puddle of drool on what I am sure was a very nice shirt.  My little 3 or 4 day old self knew that I had found safety.

From that day forward, we had an unshakeable bond.  He was (and still is) the idyllic grandpa that people may feel only exist in stories.  He was doting, caring, attentive and would bend over backwards for me.  I remember him spending hours listening to me, the little toddler, then little child ramble about whatever children at that age ramble about.  He would push me on the swing until it was too dark and cold to be at the park.  He would shower me with complements.  I could see in his eyes that he thought I was perfect.  He was also a gift giver.  I cannot begin to imagine how many stuffed animals I have because of him.  He spent more money on me than anyone else ever has, and I am sure ever will.

When I was very young, his gifts made me feel like I was the most special person on the planet.  There would always be a gasp and a flip of my tummy when he would present me with a new teddy bear or toy.  I would dance and sing with my new gift, loving whatever he had given me more than I would had someone else given me the same thing. His gifts were saturated with his love.  In the beginning, I was pure gratitude.  I accepted and received his gifts with joyful abandon.

Then I started to realize some things about myself.  As I ventured into school, I started to see that the other children did not think I was as great as my grandpa thought I was.  My parents were more practical with their love.  I was not adored.  I was even told that there were things about me I could stand to fix.  I could be quieter.  I could pay closer attention to the teacher.  I could be more fun.  I could be smarter.  I started to see that maybe I was not as special as my Grandpa had made me out to be.

As I grew older, I started to feel pangs of guilt whenever he would give me a gift.  “That is too much money Grandpa!” I would exclaim.  “No really, you don’t have to buy me things.”  I started to feel that there was no possible way I was deserving of all of this goodness.  I could not possibly be as wonderful as he thought I was.  His love had not changed.  He was still the same old Grandpa Lew that loved me with all of his heart.  I was just becoming less and less able to accept that love.  My gratitude faded into a mixture of regret for ever expressing a want or a need, shame that I had made this man feel he needed to do something for me, and disbelief that I really should be given anything.

My heart had began to close.  Bubbles of joy became pangs of anxiety.  I pushed him away.  I pushed everyone away.

I went through a very dark time – if you have ever read this blog you will know that I went through anorexia, traumatic schooling, traumatic religious experiences, instability in my home life and a million other little life dramas.  I have been down the road all the way to total self hate.  I hated who I was, what I was, who I wasn’t.  And I had no room in my heart to have someone around me who adored me.  That was just to painful.

As I have journeyed back from that dark place, I see now what gratitude really is.  I see what being truly grateful requires that you be open and receptive to what the giver is giving.   To be open and to receive is a very feminine act.  To be truly receptive, you have to be vulnerable.  To fully be in gratitude to someone means that you have opened yourself to them.  Vulnerability is scary.  When I was young I didn’t know that there could be things wrong with me, things that people may see and then reject.  When I learned that I had faults, quirks, neuroses, I felt shame.  Embarrassed.  I could no longer open my heart for my Grandpas gifts to the degree of feeling gratitude, because I was afraid of what my dear grandpa might see when I did.  Although he had never made any indication that he may reject me, I felt that there must have been things about me he had missed.  He had not perceived my lowliness, and I did not want to disappoint him by showing him how very imperfect I was.

I started to reject all forms of nourishment.  I stopped allowing people to hug me.  I stopped wanting Christmas gifts and birthday celebrations.  I refused to buy new clothes.  I stopped eating.  I stopped having an social relationships.  People would try to love me, to gift me with attention or food or time and all I felt was unbearable guilt.  Gratitude was not even a blip on the radar.

Now that I have come out of this experience, I know what it feels like to receive again.  It took a long time, and a few very persistent people to show me that maybe I was not all bad.  I started to be kinder to myself, to give myself rest, and permission to eat.  I started to let people back in, petrified as I was that they would hate what they were going to find.  The walls around my heart began to crack.

Sitting here now 5 years recovered, I can say I still have moments where I feel guilt rather than gratitude.  And you know what?  That is O.K.  I have neuroses.  I have quirks.   I still have days where I want to obsess about my calories.  Or get up and workout even though what I really need is sleep.  I am a clean freak.  I am fickle.  I am flaky.  I micromanage.  I demand to much of myself, and often too much of others.  The difference now is that I know that none of the above mentioned things are “Me.”  These are parts of the personality that I have put on in this lifetime.  That is all.  Just as I will leave this body one day, I will leave those quirks.  The “Me” that is truly “Me” knows that all of this will fade away one day.  That one day the last person who has a memory of me will leave this earth, and there will be no trace of who I was.

So I stand in my quirks, I stand in my obsessions.  I stand in my perfect, Divine, imperfection.  With all that, I allow my heart to open.  I allow myself to stand in that vulnerable place where I can be rejected, because that is also the place I can feel gratitude.  Where I can meet with another soul on a level that has no language.  Because it is worth it.

My grandpa showed me what true love looked like. He changed my life, and to him I will always be grateful.  I am sad for the moments that we missed because I was to caught up in myself to allow him to love me.  I am better able not to miss those moments now.

Don’t let your quirks keep you from gratitude.  They are all going to fall away one day anyway.

Check Out Choosing Raw!

Hello my Bat Buddies!

Today I wanted to share with you that I have been featured on Choosingraw.com 🙂

Gena, the amazing author of the blog is one of my personal blog heroes.  In fact, hers was the very first blog I ever followed, and I have read every single one of her posts.  She is smart, funny, honest and just an all around gem.


She is running a series called “Green Recovery” where she features people who have moved past an eating disorder using a plant based diet.  My story is on her page today 🙂

Feel free to leave comments there or here if you have them.


The only smoothie you will ever need.

Hey-yo Bat!

This week (right now actually) I did something super out of the ordinary.  For me anyway.

Usually, I am a chew your food kinda gal.  I have never really been into drinking my meals.

Lately, as the weather has warmed and as I have gotten a little busier in my life, I have decided I could appreciate the convenience  speed and overall large package of nutrition that a smoothie can offer.

So I made one:

I decided to drink it before I decided to blog it.  Sorry guys

I decided to drink it before I decided to blog it. Sorry guys

Look at that deep dark nutrient providing colour!

Mmmmm.  Nutrients

Mmmmm. Nutrients

Here is what I jammed in there:

1/2 head spinach (about 3 cups)

1/2 bunch parsley (1 cup-ish)

1/2 bunch cilantro (1 cup-ish)

1/4 cup mint leaves

2 inch slice ginger

2 tsp chlorella

2 tsp spirulina

1 tsp 6 mushroom blend (check out http://www.harmonicarts.ca to find it)

2 cups mixed berries (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries)

1 tsp vanilla powder

1/8 tsp stevia

1 cup water


I blended my greens with the water first.  Then added everything else and blended until smooth.

This smoothie tastes like berries, mint and ginger 🙂  It is a super great way to hide greens if you do not particularly enjoy their taste.  It also hid the flavour of the chlorella well as well.  I think it taste like what diarrhoea must taste like.

I loved it.

Proof I drank it

Proof I drank it


This smoothie is full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants   It is a heavy metal chelator, is nourishing for the liver and kidneys.  It is balancing for the mood and uplifting for the spirits.  And it is yummy.


Latest Salad Obsession

Hey Friend!

Now, you all know that my love for fruit will most likely never die.  (I accidentally typed “Diet” instead of “Die” there for a second.  Oh how true haha)

But there comes a time in every young fruitbats life when she just needs a little green.

I do enjoy salad more than the average person.  I like mine to be simple, with a good balance of sweet/sour/spicy.   I also am not a huge fan of really fatty dressings or super complicated mixtures.  I am a purist at heart, and I like to be able to taste every element of my salad. Kitchen sink salads are not really my deal.  One of my most adored combos is simply spinach, apple cider vinegar, nutmeg and bean sprouts.  So you get the picture on the simple.

This week I was hankering for a salad party.


Enter this masterpiece.

You want to eat this.

You want to eat this.


This is a shredded zucchini salad, but you can use shredded cucumber if you like that better.  I used my Spirooli Slicer to create noodles out of my zucchini and then chopped them up into bite size pieces.  You can easily do this by just grating your cuc or zuc on a box grater.


For The Dressing:

2 tbsp Chickpea Miso – Or any unpasteurized miso

3 tsbp apple cider vinegar

1 tbsp wakame sea weed – crushed

1 tbsp dulse seaweed – chopped

1 inch piece of ginger -grated fine

3 scallion – chopped

1/8 tsp stevia powder – or sweetener of choice

1 tsp chilli flakes – or less if you are not a huge spicy fan.

Dressing Sauce!

Dressing Sauce!


Soak your seaweeds in your vinegar for 30 minutes, just to soften.  Then grate your ginger on the finest side of your box grater or using a microplane.  Slice your scallion.  Combine all of your ingredients in a bowl and mix with a fork until well combined.


For The Salad

2 zucchini or cucumber

1/2-1 avocado

Greens of choice

Slice your zucchini on a spirooli slicer and then cut into bite size pieces OR grate on your box grater.  Dice your avocado and mix into your zucchini or cucumber.

Make that pasta!

Make that pasta!

From here – you can either dress it with the dressing and serve it on lettuce leaves as wraps, or you can mix your greens into it, and serve it salad style.





Either way, you will be like “Oh Urban Fruitbat, I love you, you are the best.”


Oh, you are too kind 🙂

You Can Do It! Sun Salutation A

Hi Friends!

Here is my newest video, showing you how to do Sun Saluation A 🙂

This is a very traditional set of postures, that are designed to help you link your breath with your movements, warm the body, say hello to the sun and to help you cultivate flow and strength.

Sun Salutations are awesome at the beginning of your practice, to warm you up and move you into a more meditative, breath focused mental state.  You can do anywhere from 1-5, or even more if you like 🙂


Now, I have a question for you!  Would it be helpful for you if I were to break down each of the postures in this sequence individually?  If you think that would help you, please leave a comment here or on my Youtube channel and I will get on it!


Remember, I am here for you!  If you have any questions, comments, concerns or anything you want me to go over with regards to yoga, food or life, just let me know!


Yogi Doing Yoga Things

Hey Bats!

Today I thought I would show you some of the things I have been working on in my practise!

If you do not know me, or if you are new to the Urban Fruit Bat world, let me quickly fill you in.  I love yoga. There, now you are caught up 🙂

I have been focusing on lots of back bends as of late.  Here are a few:

Head to Butt pose, I believe it is known as

Head to Butt pose, I believe it is known as

This is called Dhanurasana or Bow Pose.  Which leads me to try:

Feet to face.

Feet to face.

Padangustha Dhanurasana or Big Toe Bow Pose.  Soon my feet will touch my face.  Soon.

Then, I was inspired to try to grab my ankles in Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward facing bow posture) by the rock star that is Kino –

And so I tried what she said to do:

A new way to look behind you

A new way to look behind you

First, you lean back as you would if you were just going to do a normal drop back.

My feet are behind me and in front of me at the same time.  Yoga is friggin weird.

My feet are behind me and in front of me at the same time. Yoga is friggin weird.

Then you try to reach for your ankles in the air.

No, that is not a super long eyebrow, that is a strand of hair posing as an eyebrow

No, that is not a super long eyebrow, that is a strand of hair posing as an eyebrow

Then you try to touch your finger tips to your heels

Yup.  Then this is what you are doing.

Yup. Then this is what you are doing.

Then just take one hand at a time back to grab your ankle.  Switch and try on both sides!  Fun!

I also am still addicted to going upside down.  I am still working my Pincha Mayurasana:

Just look at the floor like is the last think you will ever do.

Just look at the floor like is the last think you will ever do.

With my toes to head variation:

The trick is to lift your chest.  Or so I have been told.

The trick is to lift your chest. Or so I have been told.

Then I fall, with all the grace I posess

Show your hands who is boss by standing on them

Show your hands who is boss by standing on them

Last but not least, Handy Standy:



I am still working the split leg version.  Soon to be the real thing, I promise.

What are you working on Bats?

Market finds!

Hi Friends!  How is your week going?

My week is filled, with all fun things!  I will have many pictures to show you soon, I promise.

I will tell you that I am going to see a Shaman, as well as going for a consultation to get a tattoo!  Fun!

To hold you over, I thought I would show you some of my awesome market finds from last week!

You can never have to many of these.

You can never have to many of these.

You can never have to many lemons or limes in my opinion.  These particular lemons were myer lemons, which are a cross between a lemon and a mandarin orange.  They are awesome squeezed into water for a fresh zing, or squeezed over grated cucumber.

They are on their way back in guys!  Summer is a commin!

They are on their way back in guys! Summer is a commin!

First real (non plastic box) strawberry sighting of the season.  I am so excited.

They are really better than they look.  Promise.

They are really better than they look. Promise.

I also got two bags of guavas.  The big ones look gross, but when you cup them open, they are perfect and ripe.  They have a very thick shell, with a seed filled custard centre.  Yum.  The little ones will not be ready for a while, as they have to turn yellow before they are ripe.  So yeah, long time from now.

Trio of nom.

Trio of nom.

No week is complete without melons.  Not around the Urban Fruit Bat residence anyway.  Watermelon are still hit or miss, but worth the risk, because when they are good, they are GOOOD

Skittles?  Nah, grapes are better.

Skittles? Nah, grapes are better.

I do enjoy grapes every once in a while.  I went through a really big grape phase a few years ago, and I think I kinda graped myself out.  However, I do enjoy them in small quantities every now and again.

3 for a dalla.  I like it.

3 for a dalla. I like it.

Mangoes are starting to come back like they mean business.

I just want to eat them all right now.

I just want to eat them all right now.

Papayas are my latest and greatest obsession.  I think I have not gone a day without one for weeks now.



I am so obsessed, that I even was willing to spend 10 monies on that giant one.

It is the size of a child

It is the size of a child

No regrets.

Circle of life.  Tell me you know what I am referancing?

Circle of life. Tell me you know what I am referencing?

Not even embarrassed.

Now, get in my



This week in Fruit Porn

Hello and happy day to all of you Bats out there!

This week was super eventful for me 🙂

I finished up my level 2 reiki training, and will commence my master level training next week.

My super awesome boss’ arrived from Mexico, and I get to hang out with them for the next 5 months.

We started spring cleaning, which is awesome.  I encourage you to go through your things today, and let go of 27 items.  You will feel magical.

We started seriously considering what we have to do to make our move to Thailand in September.   Did I tell you guys about that?  If not, we are moving to Thailand.  In September.


I also ate a tonne of awesome fruit:


Winner Winner, simple dinner

Winner Winner, simple dinner

I was so hungry I could not wait to take a bite before taking a photo.


I am obsessed with Papaya

I am obsessed with Papaya

Again, I had eaten the other half of that melon already.

Clearly. A Lot obsessed

Clearly. A Lot obsessed

This made my tummy so happy




I have not had grapes in a long time.  For me sometimes I feel that they are hit or miss.  These were a hit.


These melons were taking over my life

These melons were taking over my life

Artistic fruit by My Love

Also, this is our album cover

Also, this is our album cover

I think we may not actually be that attractive, but rather we just have a really high quality camera.


How was your week friends?


Two Bats, Bending

Yesterday I finished my Level 2 Reiki requirements 🙂  By the beginning of next month I will be a fully functioning Reiki master, and I am so excited!

After our session, my Reiki Master, who is also a beautiful yogini, mama, friend and all around Goddess, invited me to be in her day 36 video, of her 40 day yoga challenge!  So.much.fun.

Here is the video, she is in front, I am in back.  And yes, I start my practice like that.